A lysogenic, recombination-deficient bacterial mutant (rec) can be induced to produce λ ind C587 by a temperature shift, although it does not produce phage after u.v. irradiation when lysogenic for wild λ. When this mutant (rec) was made colicinogenic for colicins E2 and I, colicin production was found not to be inducible.Superinfection of irradiated lysogenic rec (λ) bacteria, at doses of irradiation that did not reduce their capacity to produce phage λ, was not productive. It seems therefore that a certain product(s) that usually arises following u.v. irradiation in rec+ cells, and triggers the induction of lysogenic and colicinogenic cells by causing loss of immunity or repression, is not produced in the rec mutant. However, immunity is lost and the prophage is induced after a temperature shift in rec cells which are lysogenic for λ ind C857.