Ion concentration and saturation water content were measured in various aged leaves of halophytes growing in saline soils east of lake Neusiedlersee (Austria). All species investigated showed a substantial sodium accumulation within the maturing organs accompanied by a considerable potassium decline. In most species chloride concentration rises distinctly with increasing leaf age, too, whereas concentration shifts of alkaline earth ions and of sulfate (except in Plantago maritima, Lepidium crassifolium and Crypsis aculeata) are of comparably less importance. Saturation water increases markedly in succulent species (Suaeda maritima, Chenopodium glaucum, Spergularia media, Lepidium crassifolium) and to a less degree in xerophytic monocotyledons (Puccinellia distans, Crypsis aculeata, Bolboschoenus maritimus). However, this surplus of water in older leaves is not sufficient to dilute the salt to such an extent that a rise in concentration can be prevented (except chloride in Suaeda maritima and Chenopodium glaucum). Rosette plants (Triglochin maritimum, Plantago maritima, Scorzonera parviflora, Aster tripolium) with the ability to renew their leaves continuously throughout the growth period are characterized by only insignificant changes of saturation water content with increasing leaf age. In these plants, shedding of old salt-saturated leaves is thought to be the main strategy for salt regulation. A modification of Steiner's classical concept of different “salt regulation types” is proposed, based on original findings about salt regulation in Austrian halophytes and on new bibliographical data upon additionally revealed regulatory principles in halophytes and saltaffected nonhalophytes.