Measurement of Immunoreactive Gastrin in Gastric Mucosa

A method for measurement of gastrin in gastric mucosa has been developed, and distribution of gastrin in the stomach of pig, dog, cat, rabbit, and man was examined. Measurable amounts of gastrin were found in corpus of all species, but the content in the antrum was considerably higher. The highest concentration of gastrin was seen in man. The borderline between corpus and antrum was abrupt, and in both parts of the stomach gastrin was evenly distributed. In 44 patients with duodenal ulcer the antral gastrin concentration was 21.3 mug eqv. per g mucosa, in 15 patients with prepyloric ulcer 23.0, in 10 patients with gastric ulcer 5.9, and in 16 patients with gastric carcinoma 7.9. The control group consisted of 10 healthy volunteers and 12 patients with minor abdominal complaints. Mean antral gastrin concentrations were 28.1 and 20.7 respectively. No significant relationship was observed between PAO and gastrin content of antral mucosa in any group.