SEVERAL investigators have given as explanation of the encephalitis following vaccination and the exanthems the theory of the activation of a latent virus by the vaccination or the exanthem. Van Bastiaanse and co-workers1 expressed the opinion that the postvaccinal encephalitis occurring in the Netherlands was the result of rousing to active manifestation an encephalitis existing previously in the latent stage. They stated the belief that the virus involved was that of epidemic encephalitis. Netter,2 Kraus,3 Demme4 and Pette5 also favored this idea. The members of the Committee on Vaccination, Great Britain, with one exception, held this opinion; they stated in 1928:6 "It is not altogether improbable that vaccination may here and there have precipitated an encephalitis in a person harbouring another virus." Ledingham7 wrote: ... Till further notice I take the view that postvaccinal encephalitis is more probably the result of activation of some