Etiology of Cervical Cancer

The data on the etiological factors presented here may enable us to suggest a synergism between the various factors associated with the pathogenesis of cervical cancer. Infection of the cervix by HPV 16/18 may result in persistence of viral DNA. The persistent HPV-DNA undergoes disruption at the E2 region, when integrated into the host genome. The transcriptional products E6 and E7 oncoproteins bind to and cause the degradation of p53 and Rb tumor-suppressor gene products. It is possible that, at that point, other cofactors may be involved in the progression toward a precancerous or cancerous condition. Those cofactors may include cigarette smoking, by introducing co-carcinogens to the tissue or by suppressing the local or systemic immune resistance similar to the effect of depressed immune resistance seen in AIDS or immunosuppression of transplant patients; hormones, by enhancing growth of HPV and transformation of HPV infected cells; low serum vitamin levels leading to decreased tissue resistance; or other infections causing local inflammation and the production of free radicals. CIN develops, leading eventually to cervical cancer.