The influence of red and blue light on the rate of photosynthesis and the CO2 compensation point at various oxygen concentrations

Apparent photosynthesis of attached leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris, Vicia faba, Pisum sativum, and Nicotiana tabacum at various intensities of blue and red light was measured by infrared CO2 gas analyzer in a closed system. Simultaneously the CO2 compensation point was measured.It was found that light-limited photosynthetic rate in blue light was equal to or more than that in red light. Inhibition of photosynthesis, which sometimes occurred at light-saturated intensities of blue light, could be avoided by addition of red light, prolonged exposure of the plants to blue light, or by lowering the O2 concentration. Accordingly, the increase of photosynthetic rate due to change of O2 concentration from 21 to 3% O2 is higher in blue light only when photosynthesis is inhibited by blue light at 21% O2. The data on the action of blue and red light on the CO2 compensation point seems to exclude the activation of photorespiration by blue light.The possible effects of blue light on apparent photosynthesis are discussed on the basis of the results presented.