High rates of oak shoot multiplication were achieved on low salt nutrient media (BTM, WPM) supplemented with adenine type cytokinin or BAP. Low concentration of (0.2-0.6 mg 1-1) stimulated formation of a large number of axillary shoots and their elongation. Thidiazuron in very low concentration (0.001 - 0.002 mg 1-1) promoted shoot proliferation, in high concentration stimulated formation of large callus. More than twelve thousand micropropagated shoots were rooted in low salt agar media supplemented with low concentration of auxin (IBA or NAA 0.2 - 0.5 mg 1-1). High rooting percentages (81 %) were obtained. Survival of the mieropropagated plantlets transplanted into soil was high (78 %). Micropropagated trees planted in the field withstood severe winter frosts without significant losses. At the end of the fifth growing season trees attained considerable size.