Gauge-Independent Quantum Electrodynamics

We discuss a covariant, but not manifestly covariant, form of quantum electrodynamics. No gauge-dependent potentials are introduced as independent (canonical) variables. Only the transverse electromagnetic field is quantized as a photon field. We formulate the theory first in interaction representation, although only flat space-like surfaces σ are considered. The interaction operator given by Eq. (10) is then used for describing Lorentz transformations (rotations of σ) as well as time dependence (parallel progress of σ). The integrability of the generalized Schrödinger equation is then proved. As we transform to Heisenberg representation the electron wave function ψ loses its spinor character and the transverse photon field E, B its tensor character, but by adding the coulomb field E11 to E we restore the tensor character of the electromagnetic field. The gauge-independent quantum electrodynamics of Pauli's Handbuch article is a special form of the result thus obtained for the particular case that the number of electrons is known and finite. Our theory has a more general form allowing use of position (hole) theory.