The Si30(t, α)Al29 reaction at a bombarding energy of 11.8 MeV has been used to investigate the states of Al29 up to 4.5-MeV excitation energy. From the deduced l values of the picked-up protons, the spin parity of the 1.40-MeV state is confirmed as ½+ and an assignment of Jπ=12+ is made to the 3.43-MeV level. The states at 2.88, 3.07, 3.65, 3.68, and 4.23 MeV are assigned Jπ=(32, 52)+. Tentative assignments of (52, 72) are made for both the 3.19-and 3.99-MeV states which are weakly excited in the experiment. Assuming that most of the proton pickup strength has been observed, the percentage occupation of protons in the Si30 ground state is deduced to be (1d52)2=82%, (2s12)2=7%, (1d32)2=7%, and (1f72)24%.