An important advance in otologic surgery was developed as the result of Rosen's stapes-mobilization operation. This operation has been adequately described by Rosen in various publications.*Other reports have been made by Meurman and Meurman,9Scheer,† and Goodhill.12 In these articles, the historical aspects of this procedure are discussed. Rosen has operated upon many patients within the past three years, and additional reports are constantly appearing from other parts of the world. We should like to add our experiences, which indicate that many patients deafened by otosclerosis can have their hearing restored to practical and even normal levels as the result of this operation. Much progress has been made in a short time. It is true there are unanswered problems, but in time these may be solved. Our experience covers a period of approximately 18 months. During this time considerable effort was expended at first in observation and