Interaction of alpha particles in the lead region near the Coulomb barrier

The (α,n) cross section on Pb208 and Bi209 has been measured between 16 and 24 MeV by observing the α activity of the residual nuclei Po211 and At212. The relative yields to both the ground and metastable states of each residual nucleus were obtained and new half-life determinations have been made for these states. The absolute yield was measured at 20 and 22 MeV to normalize the relative data. Below the (α,2n) threshold, σ(α,n) constitutes most of the total reaction cross section, and the (α,n) data, together with accurate elastic scattering measurements at 19, 20, and 22 MeV are reproduced well by a six-parameter optical model. The fits are sensitive to the reaction cross-section data, and serve to define the magnitude and shape of the real potential at a radial distance of about 11 fm. The real potential in this region dominates the interaction at the present energies. The imaginary potential is relatively small; it is not well determined and serves only to absorb those waves which penetrate the real potential. The real potential obtained is interpreted in terms of an α-folding model using a free α-nucleon two-body force. The potential near the peak of the Coulomb barrier is determined primarily by the target matter density near 9 fm, where it is approximately 1% of its value at the center of the nucleus. Implications concerning the relative distributions of target neutron and protons are discussed.