Rapid Shape Change and Release of Ninhydrin-Positive Substances byLeishmania majorPromastigotes in Response to Hypo-Osnjotic Stress

Leishmania major promastigotes were grown to late-log phase and washed and resuspended in an isosmotic buffer. When osmolality was suddenly decreased by 50%, the cells rapidly became shorter and increased in width. Cell volume, calculated assuming a prolate-ellipsoidal shape, increased 1.4 times after 1 min. Over the next several minutes, the average length and width returned to control values while the volume returned to baseline, indicating the ability to regulate volume. Concomitantly with the swelling, large amounts of alanine and other ninhydrin-positive substances were released. All of the alanine pool was released within 1 min after reduction of the osmolality by 66%. Cells pre-loaded with [14C]-aminoisobutyric acid also released it very rapidly upon hypo-osmotic stress. Release of ninhydrin-positive substances resulted from decreased osmolality rather than changes in ionic composition. The same results were obtained if osmolality was decreased by reducing only the NaCl content of the buffer instead of diluting it with water, and mannitol could substitute for the NaCl. Promastigotes were able to grow well over several days in media as low as 154 mOsm/kg. The nature of the signalling mechanisms(s) that initiates the rapid shape change and efflux of ninhydrin-positive substances in response to hypo-osmotic stress is at present unknown.