The phenomenon of extrema in the velocity dependence of the total elastic cross section Q(v) for atom—atom scattering in the thermal‐energy region is shown to be a quite general one, whenever the interaction potential consists of both attractive and repulsive parts and the resulting well has a ``capacity'' for one or more discrete levels. The phase shift vs angular‐momentum dependence exhibits a maximum; since this maximum is a function of the de Broglie wavelength, the cross section exhibits an undulatory velocity dependence. A semiclassical analysis of the extrema velocities (and undulation amplitudes) is presented. Suitable plots are suggested from which one may deduce certain information on the interatomic potential and the diatom bound states. The following rule is proposed: the observation of m maxima in the elastic atom—atom impact spectrum implies the existence of at least m discrete vibrational levels of zero angular momentum for the diatom.