Using a method due to the author which correctly reproduces the scattering of two hard spheres for all relative momenta and all partial waves, we study the properties of a low-density hard-sphere boson gas at T=0°K. The system is described by a Hamiltonian H defined for all relative distances of the N particles. The terms of H corresponding to the forward motion of a particle through the system lead to the notion of an effective mass m* for each particle in excess of its actual mass m, with m*m given by a monotonically increasing function of ρa3, where ρ and a are the number of particles per unit volume and the hard-sphere diameter, respectively. The excitation spectrum is linear at low momenta, displays a roton-like behavior for momenta pa, possesses further extrema at higher momenta, and asymptotically approaches p22m*. The pair distribution function vanishes in the low-density limit for particle separations ra.