Oster, M. O. (A. & M. College of Texas, College Station), and N. P. Wood. Formate-pyruvate exchange reaction in Streptococcus faecalis. II. Reaction conditions for cell extracts. J. Bacteriol. 87:104–113. 1964.—In contrast to intact cells of Streptococcus faecalis, no stimulation of the formate-pyruvate exchange reaction was observed in cell extracts when yeast extract was added to the reaction mixture. A heated extract of Micrococcus lactilyticus, vitamin K5, ferrous sulfate, and ferrous ammonium sulfate stimulated an active exchange by protecting the system from oxygen. Tetrahydrofolate, 2,3-dimercaptopropanol, and sodium sulfide provided partial protection, whereas ascorbate, glutathione, sodium hydrosulfite, ammonium sulfide, and sodium bisulfite gave insufficient protection or were inhibitory. Oxidation-reduction (O-R) indicators were not inhibitory and were used to estimate the O-R potentials of reaction mixtures. A potential at least as negative as −125 mv was estimated to be necessary to preserve or initiate formate-pyruvate exchange activity. The reaction operated over a narrow pH range when strict anaerobic conditions were not maintained but, when the system was suitably poised, the pH range was broader. The influence of high phosphate concentrations was less under strictly anaerobic conditions, and orthophosphate could be replaced by small amounts of pyrophosphate. Effect of temperature, time, and amount of extract is presented. Addition of reduced benzyl viologen and hydrogen-saturated palladium in the buffer during 8 hr of dialysis prevented inactivation of extracts. Recovery of activity could be obtained after ammonium sulfate treatment when a combination of palladium chloride, neutral red, and hydrogen bubbling were used.