High frequency of X-Y chromosome dissociation in primary spermatocytes of F1 hybrids between Japanese wild mice (Mus musculus molossinus) and inbred laboratory mice

In the hybrids between Japanese wild mice (Mus musculus molossinus) and inbred laboratory mice (BALB/c and B10.BR, which were probably derived from M. m. domesticus), the X and Y chromosomes dissociated precociously at the first meiotic metaphase in some 70% of spermatocytes; that percentage was only 8.9% in inbred laboratory mice and 21.1% in wild mice. X-Y dissociation began at least at early diakinesis and continued during metaphase I (MI). Some autosomes of the hybrid (10.1%) and BALB/c (10.6%) mice also dissociated precociously, but there was no distinctive correlation between X-Y and autosomal dissociation. In BIO or B6 congenic lines with a Y chromosome from wild M. m. molossinus, there was an apparent tendency for the percentage of precocious X-Y dissociation to decrease with an increasing number of back cross generations. Based on these observations we concluded that: 1. the X-Y dissociation found is genetically controlled, perhaps by multiple genes; 2. these genes are located on autosomes and are active only when they are heterozygous; 3. the frequent dissociation of the sex chromosomes neither affects male fertility nor induces non-disjunction of the X and Y chromosomes, though it significantly reduces testes weight.