Transitions inPd107Following 22-minRh107Decay

We have studied the decay of Rh107 by γ-ray spectroscopy using Ge(Li) detectors and Ge(Li)NaI(Tl)γγ coincidence techniques. A decay scheme has been constructed incorporating all but six of the 39 transitions reported. This decay scheme involves excited states in Pd107 at 115.6, 302.8, 312.2, 348.2, 381.8, 392.5, 471.2, 567.7, 670.0, 1102, and 1148 keV. A half-life of 850±100 nsec was found for the 115.6-keV level, and γγ delayed-coincidence spectroscopy was employed to determine the features of the decay scheme related to this level. β branching ratios and logft values have been derived from the relative γ-ray intensities and the βγ ratio. We find that the β decay of Rh107 tends to avoid populating Pd107 levels that have strong single-particle character [that is, levels populated strongly in (d,p) and (d,t) reactions].