Although carcinoma of the appendix is no longer considered a rare disease, the condition may easily be overlooked unless a careful routine examination is made of all appendixes removed. The surgeon often sees an obliterated, or partially obliterated, rather harmless appearing appendix, and he is in doubt as to the advisability of its removal. It has been shown that one in every fifty-three of such appendixes is carcinomatous. In 1911, MacCarty and McGrath1 reported from the Mayo Clinic the results of the study of 5,000 appendixes and demonstrated that one of every 225 was carcinomatous. In a later series, they found eighteen (0.6 per cent.) of 3,039 specimens to be carcinomatous. With a view to determining the prognosis, the forty cases reported by MacCarty and McGrath have been followed, also twenty-four2 later cases in which specimens had been studied microscopically. In ninety cases of primary carcinoma of the