Detecting Complications of Direct Arterial Surgery

• Intraoperative arteriography was carried out using a specially constructed operating table and long x-ray film changer that permitted rapid serial exposure of the arterial reconstruction and the distal arteries. During a ten-year period, this method was applied in 1,810 arterial reconstructions, with technical problems being detected in 82 (4.6%) of these patients. The incidence of problems was highest in patients undergoing endarterectomy, where 16.7% of the patients were found to have either residual debris in the cleared segment or areas of stenosis. When bypass grafts were used, technical problems were found in 2.2% of patients and included embolism or thrombosis, graft torsion in vein grafts, stenosis of the distal anastomosis, and the creation of an intimal flap. In the entire series, five patients needed reoperation in the early postoperative period. In three of these, the operative arteriograms had been initially misread. (Arch Surg 112:1115-1118, 1977)