Comparison of periapical and detailed narrow-beam radiography for diagnosis of periapical bone lesions.

The diagnostic performance of the detailed narrow-beam (DNB) technique of the Scanora multimodal radiography system was compared for periapical radiography for the detection of periapical bone lesions at 262 dental sites in 144 patients. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) of both imaging modalities were analysed in relation to the ratings of five observers for the whole dentition, three dental regions, and two types of periapical lesions. ROC analysis demonstrated no overall or regional significant differences in the diagnostic performance of the two imaging modalities. The sensitivity for periapical radiography was 72% and for DNB radiography 90%, and the specificities 89% and 88%, respectively. It is concluded that DNB radiography performs as well as periapical radiography for detecting periapical bone lesions.