The Fe57(d,t)Fe56 reaction was studied at deuteron energies of 11.7 and 14.5 MeV with 6-8-keV resolution. The experimental procedures used to obtain high resolution and good particle discrimination are described. Angular distributions were obtained over the range 14θ50, and l values and spectroscopic factors were extracted from comparison with distorted-wave Born-approximation (DWBA) calculations. A number of l=3 transitions showed j-dependent effects, which were used to single out the most likely Jπ assignments for poorly known states between 4- and 5-MeV excitation. For states below 4 MeV, good agreement was found with energy and Jπ assignments in the recent literature. A comparison of the (d,t) spectroscopic factors with recent shell-model calculations showed qualitative agreement for strong transitions, but also proved that the assumption of an inert Ca48 core is too restrictive for calculations of the Fe isotopes.