Metabolic control mechanisms in mammalian systems. Hormonal regulation of phosphofructokinase in the rat prostate and seminal vesicles

1. The hormonal regulation of phosphofructokinase was investigated in the accessory reproductive organs of the orchidectomized rat. 2. Phosphofructokinase activities declined to 51% and 47% in the prostate and 9% and 6% of the normal values in seminal vesicles 4 and 8 weeks after castration respectively. Administration of testosterone (100μg./100g. body wt.) for 3 days reversed substantially the effects of orchidectomy, and phosphofructokinase activity increased to 173% in the prostate and 536% in seminal vesicles as compared with the values of castrated controls. 3. Time-course studies demonstrated that after a single injection of testosterone (5mg./100g. body wt.) phosphofructokinase activity was maximally elevated to 236% in the prostate and 342% in seminal vesicles at 24hr. 4. Dose–response studies revealed that 2·5mg. of testosterone propionate/100g. body wt. was the minimal amount necessary to induce significant increases in enzyme activity in both accessory sex organs; maximal increases were obtained with a dose of 5mg./100g. body wt. 5. The observed enzyme increases induced by testosterone were inhibited by the simultaneous administration of oestradiol-17β, and phosphofructokinase activity in this group of rats remained at 97% in the prostate and 137% of the control values in seminal vesicles. Oestradiol-17β by itself failed to produce any significant effect on enzyme activity in either of these secondary sexual tissues. 6. The nature of the testosterone-induced increases in phosphofructokinase activity was studied by using a variety of inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis. Cycloheximide, 5-fluorouracil and ethionine largely blocked the androgen-stimulated rise in enzyme activity observed 24hr. after steroid injection. The inhibitory effect of ethionine was completely reversed by the simultaneous administration of methionine. 7. Actinomycin, which is known to inhibit the synthesis of messenger RNA as well as the synthesis of other cellular RNA fractions, when given simultaneously with the hormone, also inhibited the testosterone-induced increases in prostatic and seminal-vesicular phosphofructokinase. However, when the antibiotic was given 6 or 12hr. after injection of the steroid, practically no inhibition of phosphofructokinase induction was obtained. This indicates that, once the enzyme-forming machinery is turned on and allowed to operate for a few hours, actinomycin is incapable of reversing the hormone-induced enzyme responses. 8. The results presented suggest that new RNA and protein synthesis may be involved in the observed androgen-induced increases in phosphofructokinase activity in the prostate and seminal vesicles of the orchidectomized rat.