Lance and Taub (1) showed that when radioactively labeled lymphocytes were injected into a syngeneic mouse and the lymph node cells of this animal transferred to a second syngeneic recipient, the proportion of radioactivity found in the lymph node relative to the amount present in the spleen of the secondary recipient had increased markedly. The interpretation of this result was that some lymphocytes have the capacity to "home" to their organ of origin. The purpose of the experiments described here was to test the "homing" copacity of T cells by a method that did not involve radioactive labeling. It has been shown elsewhere that some or all mouse T cells are stimulated to divide in culture by the mitogens phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A (Con A) (2). We therefore elected to inject karyotypically distinct lymphocytes into syngeneic recipients and to follow their subsequent distribution by culture of lymph node and spleen cells of the recipient with PHA or Con A. In this manner the homing capacities of spleen and lymph node T cells could be determined, and furthermore, the effects of labeling with chromium-51 ((51)Cr) could be assayed with respect to the persistence of mitogen responsiveness in the injected cells.