Equivalence Theorems for Pseudoscalar Coupling

By a unitary transformation a rigorous equivalence theorem is established for the pseudoscalar coupling of pseudoscalar mesons (neutral and charged) to a second-quantized nucleon field. By the transformation the linear pseudoscalar coupling is eliminated in favor of a nonlinear pseudovector coupling term together with other terms. Among these is a term corresponding to a variation of the effective rest mass of the nucleons with position through its dependence on the meson potentials. The question of the connection of the nonlinear pseudovector coupling with heuristic proposals that such a coupling may account for the saturation of nuclear forces and the independence of single nucleon motions in nuclei is briefly discussed. The new representation of the Hamiltonian may have particular value in constructing a strong coupling theory of pseudoscalar coupled meson fields. Some theorems on a class of unitary transformations of which the present transformation is an example are stated and proved in an appendix.