Homosexuality in Women

HOMOSEXUALITY in women has been a strikingly neglected clinical entity, when contrasted with the very considerable attention given to male homosexuality. Indeed, a survey of the literature reveals little in the area of comparison or control studies with nonhomosexuals. Socarides' survey of the literature1 will provide the interested reader with the requisite background of theoretical constructs in the field. Feeling a deep void in basic knowledge and research in this area, a Research Committe on Female Homosexuality was established by the Society of Medical Psychoanalysts. The committee undertook the task of acquiring basic clinical data within the psychoanalytic framework, leaving the more highly inferential theoretical constructs to wait upon the acquisition of more concrete factual information. We are presenting our preliminary findings in this paper. We initially polled the more than 150 psychoanalysts in the society to ascertain the number of female homosexuals who