Bidentate cyclic imido complexes of molybdenum(II). Preparation, solution behaviour and X-ray crystal structure

The complex [MoH4(dppe)2]1(dppe = Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2) in benzene or toluene reacted photochemically or thermally with organic cyclic imides, H[graphic omitted](O)[E = CH2CH2a, [graphic omitted]H b, [graphic omitted]H c, C6H4-1,2 d] to afford [[graphic omitted](O)}(dppe)2]2. NMR spectral study of the seven-co-ordinate complexes 2 showed that they have a fluxional pentagonal-bipyramidal structure in solution. The X-ray crystal structure of 2a[monoclinic, space group P21/a with a= 14.949(3), b= 28.691(13), c= 12.503(3)Å, β= 103.22(17)°, Z= 4 and R= 0.0615] showed that the succinimido ligand is co-ordinated to the metal in a bidentate manner via nitrogen and oxygen atoms yielding a four-membered metallocycle.