A Re-Examination of the Crystal Structure of A-DNA Using Fiber Diffraction Data

Classical A-DNA helices with h = 0.25 nm may represent the greatest mass per unit length attainable by polynucleotide duplexes. The X-ray diffraction pattern from polycrystalline and well-oriented fibers of calf thymus DNA in its A-form has been carefully re-examined. Indexing on the basis of a C-face-centered monoclinic unit cell of dimensions a = 2.170 nm, b = 3.990 nm, c = 2.803 nm and β = 96.82° is superior to alternatives that have been proposed. Two right-handed, Watson-Crick base-paired, helical DNA chains with 2 X 11 nucleotides per 2.803 nm pitch, each carrying C3′-endo furanose rings, pass through the unit cell. The crystallography requires the two chains in the duplex to be antiparallel and conformationally identical but the 11 nucleotides in each pitch may be distinct. However, a secondary structure with a mononucleotide asymmetric unit provides as good an X-ray agreement as one with 11 distinct nucleotides. This relative lack of variability is quite different from what is observed in fibrous B-DNAs.