On the Early Cambrian age of two late orogenic granites from. west-central Ahaggar (Algerian Sahara)

The Pharusian belt of west-central Ahaggar belongs to the 'basement complex' underlying the Paleozoic and later sediments of the Sahara. This paper reports and discusses the Rb–Sr ages obtained on total rocks and minerals from two granitic stocks of the belt: the Tioueiine and Iskel intrusions.Both plutons gave good whole-rock isochrons, which show that the systems were closed 560 ± 40 m.y. ago with respect to Rb and Sr. This is, most probably, the age of crystallization. Three of the four values obtained on biotites are somewhat lower and scattered in the range 502–526 m.y. The discrepancies are probably due to deuteric reactions or incipient weathering. They can be ascribed neither to the loss of 87Sr during the cooling down of the granites, nor to rejuvenation by some later thermal or tectonic event.These studies confirm previous results of random sampling in Ahaggar and prove that large-scale igneous activity took place during the Early Cambrian Epoch. Knowing from field data that the Tioueiine and Iskel are late orogenic granites, it must be concluded that the Pharusian orogeny came to an end at that time.Such a result contradicts early assumptions, made in the field, of a middle Precambrian age for the Pharusian orogeny. It gives further weight to modern ideas concerning the 700–500 m.y. events in Africa, and it leaves time for erosion to create the Saharian platform before the deposition of the first Paleozoic sandstones.