Effect of Immunization With an Inactivated gp120-Depleted HIV-1 Immunogen on β-Chemokine and Cytokine Production in Subjects With HIV-1 Infection

Objective: To measure β-chemokine and cytokine production in HIV-1-infected subjects undergoing treatment with HIV-1 immunogen (REMUNE). Design: Open label treatment study. Methods: β-Chemokine and cytokine production in peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) culture. Results: Interferon-γ production (p = 0.04) and lymphocyte proliferation(p = 0.001) to HIV-1 antigen-stimulated PBMCs increased after immunization with the HIV-1 immunogen. A correlation was demonstrated after immunization between HIV-1 antigen-stimulated lymphocyte proliferation and interferon-γ levels (r = 0.53, p = 0.04). No significant change after immunization was seen for interleukin-4 production. A significant increase in mean levels of HIV-1 antigen-stimulated RANTES (i.e., regulated upon, activation normal T-cell expressed and secreted), was evident 1 month after immunization (p = 0.002) and remained elevated 3 months after immunization. RANTES production was decreased in CD8-depleted PBMC cultures. Mean serum HIV-1 RNA copy numbers and CD4 cell counts remained stable after immunization (p >0.5). A correlation was demonstrated between HIV-1 antigen-stimulated interferon-γ and RANTES production (r = 0.54, p = 0.002). Conclusions: This report describes an augmentation of β-chemokines and THI-type cytokines from PBMCs after immunization with the HIV-1 immunogen.