Baryon-baryon scattering in a one-boson-exchange-potential approach. I. Nucleon-nucleon scattering

From a combined analysis of nucleon-nucleon and hyperon-nucleon scattering with a one-boson-exchange-potential-model the NN results are presented. The model consists of local potentials due to exchanges of members of the pseudoscalar and vector meson nonets and the scalar meson ε taken as a unitary singlet. Effects of the large widths of the ε and ρ meson are included. The Schrödinger equation is solved in configuration space with phenomenological hard-core potentials at short distances. The coupling constants and hard-core radii are determined in a fit using the NN phase-shift analysis of the Livermore group up to 330 MeV laboratory kinetic energy and the low-energy parameters. The NN phase shifts are described well with χ2data=2.4 (as good as the purely phenomenological potentials) and good values are obtained for the scattering lengths, effective ranges, and deuteron parameters.

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