Seasonal variation of sensitivity of nasal mucosa in pollinosis

Zur Klärung der Frage, ob die Hypersensibilität der Nasenschleimhaut bei nasaler Allergie Ursache oder Folge der allergischen Reaktionen ist, wurde bei 30 Patienten mit Pollinose und bei 25 Kontrollpersonen die Schleimhaut der unteren Nasenmuschel durch Auflegen von mit Histamin getränktem Füterpapierblättchen stimuliert. Anschließend Messung von Nießfrequenz und Nasensekretion. Als Ergebnis der Versuchsreihe zeigte sich, daß die Hypersensibilität der Nasenschleimhaut als Charakteristikum der nasalen Allergie unspezifisch ist. Sie ist weitgehend das Ergebnis einer Antigen-Antikörperreaktion, die im Sinne eines Circulus vitiosus allergische Symptome und Reaktionen auslöst. The purpose of the present paper is to examine whether hypersensitivity of nasal mucosa observed in nasal allergy is cause or result of allergic reaction using the subjects with pollinosis in which the exposure period to antigen and antigen free period can be clearly distinguished. Subjects are 30 cases of Japanese cedar pollinosis and orchard grass pollinosis and 25 normal controls. Inferior turbinate of unilateral nasal cavity was stimulated by a piece of filter paper soaked with 0.02 ml of 0.1% and 0.5% histamine hydrochloride. Frequency of sneezing and amount of nasal secretion were measured quantitatively and were compared among the subjects with pollinosis in season, off season, and normal controls. In subjects with pollinosis when stimulated with extrinsic histamine, frequency of sneezing and amoung of nasal secretion were markedly enhanced in season, but during off season no apparent difference was observed compared with normal subjects. Relationship between frequency of sneezing and amount of nasal secretion indicated positive correlation (a<0.01). Positive correlation was also observed in amount of nasal secretion in ipsilateral and contralateral nasal cavity when unilateral nasal cavity was stimulated with histamine (a<0.01). Hyperrhinorrhea was closely related with hypersensitivity of nasal mucosa. The present study showed that hypersensitivity of nasal mucosa characteristic of nasal allergy is nonspecific and that it is largely a result of antigen antibody reaction, which in turn works in causing exaggeration of the allergic symptoms and allergic reaction through vicious cycle.