2-Pyridyl complexes derived directly from pyridine and dodecacarbonyl-triangulo-triosmium

Pyridine reacts with Os3(CO)12 to give a series of bridging 2-pyridyl complexes: [HOs3(NC5H4)(CO)10]; [HOs3(NC5H4)(CO)9(py)], isomers (A) and (B); [H2Os3(NC5H4)2(CO)8]; and [Os2(NC5H4)2(CO)6], isomers (A) and (B). Several of the corresponding derivatives of 4-methyl- and 4-benzyl-pyridine are also described. Evidence is given for successive and reversible reactions in which loss of CO from the cluster is accompanied either by co-ordination of an extra py or by hydrogen transfer from co-ordinated py to the metal. Quinoline and isoquinoline with Os3(CO)12 give the isomers [HOs3(NC9H6)(CO)10] in which quin has been metallated exclusively at the 2-position whereas iquin gives isomers metallated at the 1- and 3-positions respectively.