New Isotope Manganese-53

Manganese-53 has been produced by the nuclear reaction Cr53(p, n)Mn53 in the bombardment of enriched Cr53 for a period of 8 hours with 9.5-Mev protons. Measurements of the decay and absorption data indicate that this nuclide is an orbital electron capturing activity without gamma rays or positrons. With the assumption that the cross section for the reactions Cr53(p, n)Mn53 and Cr54(p, n)Mn54 are the same, it is possible to calculate an approximate half-life of 140 years for this nuclide. These data together with those from previous measurements on the energy levels of Cr53 indicate that Mn53 probably decays from an F52 ground state to a p32 Cr53 ground state in an l-forbidden transition with a relatively high logft value.