Effects of disorder on high-temperature superconductivity in cubic MoN

Three types of calculations have been used to help us understand the effects of disorder, alloying, and nonstoichiometry on the superconducting transition temperature Tc of MoN, predicted to have Tc=29 K in the ideal B1 structure. (1) Simple disorder broadening indicates a strong lowering of Tc which, however, does not account for the very low Tc’s measured in MoNx thin films. (2) Rigid-band calculations of the alloy system Nb1y Moy N1.0 reproduce the measured trend in Tc for y≤0.5. (3) Taking explicit account of metal t2g–N p bonding in a coherent-potential-approximation model of MoNx leads to a semiquantitative understanding of the low measured Tc values in films in terms of N vacancies, despite the nominal stoichiometry in some of the films.