The biosynthesis of gangliosides. Labelling of rat brain gangliosides in vivo

1. After injection of [6-3H]glucosamine into 8-day-old rats it was found that all the major brain gangliosides and their sialyl groups were labelled at essentially the same rate, except the hematoside, which was the least labelled. In 18-day-old rats it was found that the two major gangliosides with the sialyl (2→8)-sialyl linkage, and their sialyl groups were more labelled than the hematoside, the Tay–Sachs ganglioside, the other two major gangliosides and their respective sialyl groups. 2. No difference was found in any of the cases studied between the specific radioactivities of the neuraminidase-resistant and -labile sialyl groups belonging to the same ganglioside. The same was found for the specific radioactivities of the galactosyl groups proximal and distal to the ceramide moiety of total brain gangliosides from rats injected with [U-14C]glucose. From this it was concluded that partial turnover of the ganglioside molecule does not occur. 3. A model for the synthesis of gangliosides is presented that accounts for results from previous experiments in vitro and the lack of precursor–product relationships observed in experiments in vivo.