Longitudinal Assay of Lymphocyte Responsiveness in Patients with Major Burns

Serial blast transformation in vitro was measured in peripheral lymphocytes from 38 patients with major thermal injury. Lymphocytes were tested with the antigens streptokinase-streptodornase (SKSD), mumps and purified protein derivative (PPD), the mitogens conconavadin A (Con A) and phytohemagglutinin (PHA), and in the one-way mixed lymphocyte reaction. Statistically significant suppression by the burn injury was noticed in all measurements except response to PHA. One-time measurements were not significantly different between the patients who survived and the patients who did not survive their burn injuries. However, serial determinations of responsiveness to the three natural antigens SKSD, mumps and PPD, as well as the mixed lymphocyte reaction accurately reflected prognosis.