The Two-Factor Model of Self-Reported Mood: A Cross-Cultural Replication

The cross-cultural stability of a two-factor model of self-reported mood was studied in Israel. Sixty women and 25 men filled out a 58-adjective Mood Check List, everyday for 45 consecutive days. Replicatory factor analyses demonstrated that the two-factor model of mood is applicable to both Israeli men and women and that this structure is consistent across American and Israeli cultures. Three implications of these findings are discussed. Replication of this structure in a diversified and unique culture, such as Israel, coupled with a previous replication in Japan (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1984), is interpreted as lending considerable support to the assertion that this model of mood is cross-culturally consistent. Theoretical formulations and empirical findings derived and discovered in the U.S. can now be employed in planning and interpreting mood studies in Israel. The results of such studies can be incorporated within the general body of knowledge accumulating on this topic in the U.S.

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