Three-photon resonantly enhanced multiphoton ionization and third-harmonic generation with unfocused laser beams

Several extensions are made in theoretical studies of multiphoton ionization associated with third-harmonic fields that are generated near three-photon resonances in gaseous media. The treatment includes the strong coherent cancellation effect which occurs between three-photon pumping of a resonant level and pumping by the third-harmonic field that is generated in the same medium. The incomplete spoiling of the cancellation effect with counterpropagating beams is quantitatively described. Also, treatment of the multiphoton-ionization problem involving phase-matched, third-harmonic fields is generalized to include quantitative effects of index changes due to a buffer gas, absorption due to dimers, and collisional dephasing of coherent excitations. Finally, we show how measurements of linewidths, phase-matching positions, and pressure dependences of ionization yields associated with third-harmonic generation and subsequent absorption can be used to determine oscillator strengths of a resonant level, absorption coefficients for a resonant species and a buffer-gas species, and the refractive index of the buffer gas at the third-harmonic frequency.