VIII. The Cambrian area of Rushton (Shropshire)

(pp.307-317) . [long dash]Details of Shropshire Cambrian stratigraphy by R. W. Pocock. (pp.320-384) .[long dash]Descrs. and records of species by E. S. Cobbold, collected from the Rushton area. Annelida: Hyolithellus (?) cingulatus* (p.321), H. (?) tortuosus* (p.321), Torellella (?) inornata* (p.322), T. (?) scabra* (p.323), RUSHTONIA (p.323), allied to Torellella Holm, type R. lata* (p.324). Polyzoa: Gen. et spp* indet. Brachiopoda: Kutorgina (?) anglica* (p.328). Mollusca: Hyolithus obscurus v. anglicus* (p.334), H. operosus* (p.335), H. araneus v. angustus* (p.336), H. pennatuloides* (p.336), H. (Orthotheca) ornatus* (p.338). Trilobita: Secondary thickening of tests* is descr.; Agnostus fissus v. mancus* (p.340), Para-doxides sp. indet. A* (p.349), P. sp. indet. B* (p.350), Ctenopyge drytonensis* (p.352), Sphaerophthalmus (?) parabola* (p.353), Liostracus bruno* (p.356); AGASO (p.359) sub-g. of Liostracus middle Cambrian, type L. (A.) rushtonensis* (p.359), L. (A.) pococki* (p.360), L. (A.) pringlei* (p.361), Solenopleura (?) angustiora* (p.363), S. rushtonensis* (p.366); Corynexochus illingi* (p.371), Dorypyge rushtonensis* (p.373), Protolenus pustulatus (Strenuella pustulata Lake) (p.375); Agrau-los robustus* (p.376), A. humilis* (p.377). Concho-straca: Aluta rotundata v. salopiensis* (p.381); A. ul-richi* (p.381); Indianites exigua* (p.382), I. obtusa* (p.383); Dielymella (?) corpulenta* (p.384). Species from the local horizons of Rushton are listed. The Shropshire Cambrian as developed at Rushton, Comley, and Bentley ford is correlated with other areas.

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