A study of 76 patients having aorto-iliac (46) and femoropopliteal (30) surgery for atherosclerosis has shown a significant correlation between increased platelet adhesiveness, prolonged clot lysis, and failure of the reconstruction between 3 months and 5 years after operation. In addition, a raised plasmafibrinogen level, persisting 1 year after reconstruction, is often associated with failure. Patients having predominantly femoropopliteal disease show a significantly higher plasma-fibrinogen level than those with localized aorto-iliac disease. This correlation is such that when a high plasma-fibrinogen level is found in a patient with the clinical features of aorto-iliac disease it may be inferred that the femoropopliteal segment is also involved.
Funding Information
  • Endowment Research Fund of the United Birmingham Hospitals