As in solid state, strictly alternating poly(gamma-benzyl D-L-glutamate) in solution can adopt two different helical conformations. Besides the alpha helix, a second helical conformation is found at higher temperatures in dioxane and chloroform, the properties of which correspond to that of the piDL4 helix. As the molecules have a finite length a screw sense is favored for both helical forms thus giving rise to optical activity allowing the study of the transconformation by optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism besides infrared and dielectric measurements. Thus, as the temperature is raised the equilibria right-left handed alpha helices and alpha-piDL helical forms can be followed. The favored screw senses are determined by the number of interacting side chains for the alpha helix and by the number of hydrogen bonds which are formed in the piDL helical conformation. The side chain-side chain interactions in the alpha helix are experimentally shown to be attractive.