The distribution of time to failure for a system consisting of two dissimilar elements or subsystems operating redundantly and susceptible to repair is discussed. It is assumed that the times to failure for the two system elements are independent random variables from possibly different exponential distributions, and that the repair times peculiar to each element are independently distributed in an arbitrary fashion. For this basic model a derivation is given of the Laplace-Stieltjes transform of the distribution function of time to system failure, i.e, the time until both elements are simultaneously down for repair, measured from an instant at which both are operating. An explicit formula is given for the mean or expected time to system failure, a natural approximation to the latter is exhibited, and numerical comparisons indicate the quality of this approximation for various repair time distributions. In a second model the possibility of system failures due to overloading the remaining element after a single element failure is explicitly recognized. The assumptions made for the basic model are augmented by a stochastic process describing the random occurrence of overloads. Numerical examples are given. Finally, it is shown how the above models may be easily modified to account for delays in initiating repairs resulting from only occasional system surveillance, and to account for random catastrophic failures.