Choice between autotrophy and heterotrophy in Pseudomonas oxalaticus. Growth in mixed substrates

1. The type of metabolism adopted by Pseudomonas oxalaticus during growth on a variety of carbon sources was studied. 2. The only substrate upon which autotrophic growth was observed is formate. 3. In mixtures of formate and those substrates upon which the organism can grow faster than on formate, e.g. succinate, lactate or citrate, heterotrophic metabolism results. 4. In mixtures of formate and those substrates upon which the organism can grow at a similar rate to that on formate, e.g. glycollate or glyoxylate, the predominant mode of metabolism adopted is heterotrophic utilization of the C(2) substrate coupled with oxidation of formate as ancillary energy source. 5. P. oxalaticus grows on oxalate 30% slower than on formate. In mixtures of formate and oxalate, the predominant mode of metabolism adopted is autotrophic utilization of formate coupled with oxidation of oxalate as ancillary energy source. 6. In mixtures of formate and those substrates upon which the organism grows at a much lower rate than on formate, e.g. glycerol and malonate, the predominant mode of metabolism adopted is autotrophic utilization of formate. 7. It is concluded that synthesis of the enzymes involved in autotrophic metabolism is controlled by a combination of induction and metabolite repression.