DNA inversions in the chromosome of Escherichia coli and in bacteriophage Mu: relationship to other site-specific recombination systems.

The gene product of bacteriophage Mu gin catalyzes a 3,000-base-pair inversion in the DNA of the phage, thus changing its host range. In some strains of Escherichia coli there is a function that can complement Mu gin mutations. This function (pin) was cloned and shown to catalyze an inversion of 1,800 base pairs in the adjacent E. coli DNA (P region). pin- derivatives carry the P region frozen in the (+) or (-) orientation. The function of the switch is not yet clear. The sequences of gin and pin were determined; they exhibit 70% homology. The sequences around the recombination sites of Gin and Pin are also largely homologous; a consensus sequence is derived for the recombination sites of Gin and Pin, and of Hin in Salmonella typhimurium. The amino acid sequences of Gin, Pin, Hin, and TnpR are compared, and the evolutionary relationship between these prokaryotic site-specific recombination systems is discussed.