ud The planktonic foraminiferal fauna was studied in 104 surface plankton samples collected by the author during the crossing in both directions of Drake Passage between Tierra del Fuego and Elephant Island off the Palmer Peninsula, Antarctica, during the months of January and February, 1969. Samples were gathered by means of a fire pump. This method is discussed and recommended for planktonic foraminiferal collection. Eight species were determined, and their horizontal distribution was established. The percentage abundance of each species, as well as the number of specimens per cubic meter of filtered water, were calculated for every station. Distribution patterns of foraminifers were compared with those obtained by previous authors and were related to the surface hydrology. Some discrepancies were found and discussed. The most simple means of separating Globigerina pachyderma from G. quinqueloba is proposed and the most simple means of locating the Antarctic Convergence by the use of foraminifers is discussed. Abnormal spinosity of foraminiferal tests is considered.u