An Ecological Investigation of Laminaria Cloustoni Edm. (L. Hyperborea Fosl.) Around Scotland

Sublittoral surveys have been carried out from 1949-1954, in three areas around Scotland, Girvan - Bennane Head, Dunbar - Fast Castle and Fraserburgh -Rosehearty, where Laminaria cloustoni was the dominant algal sp. Each area has been surveyed a number of times, and the results analysed for changes which may or may not have occurred within one year and over several years. The general conclusion is (1) that within one year, the algal crop is fairly stable until the rough seas of winter dislodge the plants from the sea-bed and until the plants shed their old laminae in the spring, and (2) that over a period of years considerable changes may occur, due in part to physical changes peculiar to an environment. These surveys are continuing and include areas where Laminaria saccharina is the dominant algae.