For an n-fermion system in which each particle can occupy any one of k states, an "irreducible b-body operator" is defined as an operator belonging to [2b, 1k2b] of SUk. It is shown that such an operator can always be written as a b-body operator multiplied by a function of n. A measure of the failure of a basis to diagonalize the Hamiltonian is constructed. If the Hamiltonian is analyzed into irreducible b-body parts, the measure of error for n particles can be calculated from two-particle parameters. An upper limit on the error of a group theoretically defined basis can be found without having to calculate any n-particle interaction matrix elements. A measure of the magnitude of an interaction is defined, and shown to depend differently on n for irreducible 0-body, 1-body, and 2-body interactions. The effect of the Pauli principle on the formation of shell-model potentials is discussed from this point of view.