Reversibility of Ia EPSP investigated with intracellularly iontophoresed QX-222

1. Cat lumbosacral motoneurons were impaled by two individually advanced microelectrodes: one to record membrane potential (EM), the second to pass depolarizing currents. 2. During the passage of depolarizing current ramps the repetitive action-potential firing and the later high conductance (GM) state obscured and distorted Ia excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) evoked by electrical stimulation of hindlimb muscle afferents. 3. Intracellular iontophoresis of QX-222 (a trimethyl analogue of lignocaine) or methylxylocholine, prevented action-potential generation and reduced the GM increase during current depolarization so that positive levels of EM could be reached. 4. Following QX-222 treatment it was possible to demonstrate a reversal of the Ia EPSP including its first part, at EM values between -13 and +32 mV. Reversal was seen in 13 of the 22 motoneurons tested. 5. Reversal was easiest to obtain in motoneurons of the deep peroneal group. More positive levels of EM were needed to show a reversal in neurons of the gastrocnemius-so-leus group. (The 10-90% rise times of the EPSPs were rather similar for both groups.) 6. In a few motoneurons the initial part of the Ia EPSP reversed at a more negative EM than a later part. This was best seen after subtraction of the extracellular field potentials from the records.