Electron microscopic observations of the mesencephalic nucleus of the fifth nerve in the Selachian brain

The mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (mes V) in the brain of the skate (Raja oscellata) was studied by electron microscopy. Mes V neurons are large (40–80 μm diameter) and are located in the periventricular grey matter. Their perikaryal cytoplasm is rich in Golgi apparatus, small mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, polysomes and bundles of neurofilaments. A striking feature is the presence of masses of glycogen granules, at times surrounded by membrane wrappings and lysosomal bodies. Two types of conventional synaptic contacts were made onto mes V perikarya and dendrites. One had round, agranular vesicles and usually also contained dense-cored vesicles, the other had flattened, pleomorphic, agranular vesicles and usually lacked dense-cored vesicles. Additional membrane complexes consisting of a region of gap junction flanked by sites of desmosomal attachment were observed to link neighbouring mes V neurons. Somato-somatic, dendro-somatic, axo-somatic, and dendro-dendritic junctions were noted. Except for the somato-somatic union, one or more chemical synapses were located close to the sites of gap junctions.