Glomerular and Tubular Functions in Sheep and Goats

In many species of experimental animals the true equality of the renal clearance of inulin and creatinine has not been demonstrated, and considerable evidence indicates some tubular participation in creatinine excretion. This invalidates the use of creatinine to estimate glomerular filtration rate. We have measured the simultaneous renal clearance of inulin and exogenous creatinine in 23 experiments on seven goats and in eight experiments on two sheep. In both species creatinine clearance, CCr, normally exceeded inulin clearance, CIn, at low plasma concentrations of creatinine, PCr, and it was depressed both absolutely and relative to CIn by elevations in PCr or PPAH or by intravenous probenecid. In contrast, CIn appeared to be independent of PIn and PCr and was not affected by probenecid. At low clearance levels in goats produced by traumatic shock, partial aortic occlusion or phloridzin, CCr fell far below CIn but promptly rose above CIn upon restoration of normal clearance levels. These findings indicate both tubular secretion and reabsorption of creatinine. Neither operation appears to be specifically affected by phloridzin. It is believed that tubular secretion of creatinine is an active metabolic process whereas tubular reabsorption is passive and attendant upon a residual tubular permeability to creatinine relative to inulin. Submitted on July 25, 1956